Past Haunts | 269 | 05.10.2021
10:00pm, 5-10-2021

<< Past Haunts
- 10:01pm Culture by This Eternal Waiting on Culture (I Live In Hell)
- 10:08pm Your Turn To Run by Malaria on Compiled 2.0 1981-84 (Moabit Music)
- 10:12pm Truth Teller by Barnett + Coloccia on Weld (Blackest Ever Black)
- 10:16pm Haunted By The Sky by Tor Lundvall on A Dark Place (Dais)
- 10:22pm Six Harmonies by Killing Sound on Killing Sound (Blackest Ever Black)
- 10:27pm Science and Industry by Andy Stott on Faith In Strangers (Modern Love)
- 10:35pm New Dogs by Warm Hands on Blurred (SINIS)
- 10:40pm Complet Brouillé by Essaie Pas on New Path (DFA)
- 10:43pm Catching Me Cold by V West on So Click Heels (D/N)
- 10:46pm Eisbær by Grauzone on Eisbær (Off Course)
- 10:51pm An Angel Gets Its Wings Clipped by Croation Amor on Love Means Taking Action (Posh Isolation)
- 10:55pm Fire from Above by SM Corporation on Strange Passion: Explorations In Irish Post Punk DIY And Electronic Music 1980-1983 (Cache Cache)