New Waves NW 13
12:00pm, 10-1-2022

<< New Waves NW
For our 13th episode we decided to do a recap of some of our favorite submissions through out the months. Join us and special guest DJ AMS while we ride this wave back in time.
Here's the linup:
No More - AKIRA
Backwoods - Swiss Micheals
huh? - Tirlyn Sky
Silence Doesn't Kill - 9 Gauge
Decompression - BRDY
I'm Going Vegan - Whalien
When I'm With You - T Walker Anderson
Raven & Rose - Rob Lascow
Sexy, Juicy, Bouncy - James Ethington III
Let The Player Play - Al Perez
La Passer - Frank Dutch
CYANIDE - SadBoiShinichi