Episode 051: Jackie La Grange and The Bag of Hammers
10:00pm, 2-5-2023
- 10:00pm Simla Beat by The Fentones on Simla Beat 70 71 (Grammaphone Company of India Ltd, 1971)
- 10:04pm Saghe by Koroush Yaghmei on Back From The Brink (Pre-Revolution Psychedelic Rock From Iran: 1973-1979) (Now-Again)
- 10:07pm Dost aci sölermis by Erkin Koray on Halimem (Pharaway, 1972)
- 10:10pm Atkozott by Illes on Illes Story Exmusic (Qualiton, 1968)
- 10:13pm I've been losing by Chrissy Zebby and Ngozi Family on My ancestors (MIssissippi, 1976)
- 10:16pm Plastic Thunder by Bitter Creek on Brown Acid the Tenth Trip (Riding Easy, 1970)
- 10:19pm The Future of the Past by The LItter on Emerge (ABC Probe, 1960)
- 10:31pm In search of the peace of mind by Scorpions on Lonesome crow (Brain, 1972)
- 10:36pm Mother you don't know by Jane on Jane III (Capitol, 1976)
- 10:41pm All you have left is me by Jamul on s/t (Lizard, 1970)
- 10:44pm I don't ever want to come down by Thirteen Floor Elevators on The best of (Charly)
- 10:47pm Lover by The Troggs on The Vintage Years (Sire, 1970)
- 10:49pm Second generation woman by Family on Entertainment (Reprise, 1969)
- 10:52pm Hold on to freedom by Lee Michaels on Space & First Takes (A&M, 1972)
- 10:56pm Titoli by Ennio Morricone on Fistful of Dollars Soundtrack (RCA, 1967)