Ever Present Past - EP 10 Neil Diamond and The Jazz Singer 4 22 23

Ever Present Past is a broadcast that focuses on music from the past that doesn’t seem to get its fair share of coverage in today’s musical commentary. Our goal is to ensure these featured stories told of each artist or album live on while educating and entertaining the listening audiences.
In this episode, we discuss Neil Diamond's foray into theater via the 1980 recreation of the Hollywood staple "The Jazz Singer". An absence of uniform direction, multiple personnel changes, and a lack of solid supportive foundations in his debut contributed to Diamond's short-lived career as an actor. We delve into how everything unfolded resulting in what could have been a promising acting career.
This episode features interviews from Good Morning America (1980) and interviewer Joe Jackson (2002).
- Cherry Cherry
- You Baby
- Love On The Rocks
- America