Chat w/ Whisper Hiss
2:00pm, 7-4-2023

<< Flying Saucer Safari!
Listen in today to hear my chat with Whisper Hiss all about their exciting new album and album release party happening 7/21 at Show Bar with Phone Voice & Public Pleasure! Hear some exclusive singles from their unreleased album PLUS get all the insight on their music video collab with artist Nonameynonamey!
- 2:01pm Flying Saucer Safari by Suburban Lawns on Suburban Lawns (Superior Viaduct)
- 2:29pm Harsh Lights by Whisper Hiss on Shake Me Awake (Self Released)
- 2:34pm 11:59 by Blondie on Parallel Lines (Chrysalis)
- 2:40pm Send Me a Postcard by Shocking Blue on Scorpio's Dance (Red Bullet)
- 2:55pm Dead Calm by Whisper Hiss on Shake Me Awake (Self Released)
- 2:58pm Why Wait by Shopping on Why Choose (Fat Cat)