Chat w/ Sit Pretty
2:00pm, 8-1-2023
<< Flying Saucer Safari!
Listen in for my chat with locals Sit Pretty, hear two brand new singles 'Crypto Blood' and 'Possums '23', plus more about the music video for Crypto Blood. See these guys live 8/2 at Holocene!
- 2:01pm Flying Saucer Safari by Suburban Lawns on Suburban Lawns (Superior Viaduct)
- 2:27pm Crypto Blood by Sit Pretty on Crypto Blood/Possums '23 (Purple Cat Records)
- 2:32pm Sugar Walls by Sheena Easton on A Private Heaven (RT Industries)
- 2:36pm Mellow Border Collies and the Finite Sadness by Smear on Single (Self Released)
- 2:55pm Possums '23 by Sit Pretty on Crypto Blood/Possums '23 (Purple Cat Records)