12 Steps Beyond Prog #473
12:00am, 9-21-2023

<< 12 Steps Beyond Prog
Tangerine Dream Ticket Winners:
Revolution Hall 9/22!
- 12:01am A Moment A Feeling by Collage on Over And Out (Mystic Productions, 2022)
- 12:15am Creepshow by Twelfth Night on Fact and Fiction: The Definitive Edition (Music For Nations, 2018)
- 12:27am Balance by Anathema on A Natural Disaster (Music For Nations, 2003)
- 12:31am Closer by Anathema on A Natural Disaste (Music For Nations, 2003)
- 12:37am Morter by Skinny Puppy on The Process (capitol)
- 12:42am Evening Overture by Satellite on Evening Games (Metal MInd, 2004)
- 12:53am Take It as It Is by Satellite on Evening Games (Metal Mind, 2004)
- 1:00am July Morning by Uriah Heep on Look At Yourself (Sanctuary, 1971)
- 1:10am In The Land of Grey & Pink by Caravan on In The Land of Grey & Pink (Deram, 1971)
- 1:15am Tarkus by Emerson, Lake & Palmer on The Atlantic Years (Atlantic, 1992)
- 1:36am Long Piece No. 3: Part 1 by Egg on The Polite Force (Deram)
- 1:41am Long Piece No. 3: Part 2 by Egg on The Polite Force (Deram)
- 1:49am Long Piece No. 3: Part 3 by Egg on The Polite Force (Deram)
- 1:54am Long Piece No. 3: Part 4 by Egg on The Polite Force (Deram)
- 1:56am Croma by Alphataurus on Alphatauru (Magma, 1973)