News With My Fiancé - Thursday, December 7th 2023
7:30am, 12-7-2023

<< News With My Fiancé
Intro music and Podcast edited by Kyle Gilmer of Residual Audio
Host Check In
Intro music and Podcast edited by Kyle Gilmer of Residual Audio
Host Check In
- We’re back! Thank you Ambush for holding it down! How’d it go, financés?
- LOCAL: PDX City Boys down bad
- (00:29:19) Dan bows out, and Rene gets ready to ruuuummmmmble
- (00:58:58) Renaissance/ Israel/ expectations/ parasocial relationships
Playlist: List the songs played on today’s show
- Middle Child - J. Cole
- Do It - Tuxedo
- (00:04:01) Welcome back Morgan!
- (00:04:05) Ambush did great last week, he had some insightful things to say 🫶🏽
- (00:04:14)) Trust in your man
- (00:16:04) "It doesn't affect them, it's just fun. It's just stuff to do." Feels like that could describe so much of political leaders today. 😩
- (00:17:39) Welcome back Morgan. Ambush killed it last week. Good morning.
- (00:27:18) Ow THANK THA GAWDS!!! She's back! Whew!!! I mean What Up Ambush! XOXO- Rudo the red nosed listener
- (00:27:43) It's irresponsible for Bey to not use her platform but she's a capitalist and she don't care about anything but her bag. It's interesting to watch folks melt as they realize they have idolized someone they don't know and who has co-opted liberation. She don't care. Taylor even worse 🫣🤣
- (00:53:48) Darn my uterus. I'm just too hysterical to make a plan. Crystal
- (01:11:57) They can't all be Nina Simone. They should probably try but that's a pretty high bar so I'll cut Beyoncé some slack
- (01:12:09) I want high profile people to "do the right thing" but at the same time I'm not getting so wrapped up in my parasocial relationships with human brands that I look to them for moral leadership. It would almost be worse if they tried to claim that space.
- "Meet the new boss. Same as the old boss!"--Pete Townshend
- (01:17:32) At the end of the day, I'm going to have more respect for any artist using their platform to speak up for liberation.
- Facts
- (01:17:42) Fiance's!!!I super hope you're on air today. Just saying..2 things. happy Hanukkah and also a whole fuck~no to Renee. Going to run for.... Renee being Portlands mayor!! Gross!!
- ❤️ to “ Yep! We're here! Renee is an absolute no! ”
- He's not going too 🫣
- (01:18:01) Incredible stuff. Newsflash, Beyonce is not Angela Davis. How about go listen to Angela Davis
- (01:19:21) Folks project so much on these strangers and it's wild
- And the only reason folks like these people is bc they want to be them and they don't see them as hard working they just see the glam and the glitter. And that's what they love. It'd be nice to see people use their platform for the greater good but it's not their job. No matter what we want that's not what they signed up for. They capitalists.
- Rihanna 🫣🤣😬 how she not being dragged for all her mess. And or her silence.
- Yes this energy to the elected 🤡 if only 😬
Don’t let the individuals distract you from the systems
Poverty is a policy choice
People Over Profits
Power to the People
None of us are free until we are all free
Poverty is a policy choice
People Over Profits
Power to the People
None of us are free until we are all free