News With My Fiancé - Thursday, December 21st 2023
7:30am, 12-21-2023

<< News With My Fiancé
Intro music and Podcast edited by Kyle Gilmer of Residual Audio
Host Check In
Intro music and Podcast edited by Kyle Gilmer of Residual Audio
Host Check In
- (00:06:31) Rob Smith a Black and gay Republican influencer, shared a video on social media detailing an incident where he was confronted and surrounded by individuals he described as "White Supremacists" at an event in Phoenix.
- In the video, Smith recounted being subjected to racial and homophobic slurs by the individuals. The incident occurred at an event hosted by Republicans for National Renewal, a pro-Trump conservative advocacy group.
- Turning Point USA, the organization hosting the event Smith attended, distanced itself from the incident, stating that such behavior is unacceptable and individuals engaging in it would have been promptly removed.
- (00:35:28) Measure 110 audit finds slow rollout of services, lack of youth and culturally responsive programs.
- (01:14:13) Judge sentences Black child, 10, to three months of probation for peeing in public
Playlist: List the songs played on today’s show
- I Didn’t Mean to Turn You On - Robert Palmer
- R.I.C.O. - Drake feat Meek Mill
- Peg - Steely Dan
- (00:22:39) Good morningggg!!! I was busy visiting, and getting a stomach bug, with family last week so I only caught the end of show live. Get your air purifiers and soap and lotion ready everyone 😆
- (00:23:08) Izzit Black History Month again yet?! TRICK QUESTION! It's always Black History Month! Xoxo Rudo, the greatest gift giver.
- (00:23:47) Good morning fiancés. Happy solstice to All. Jon
- (00:29:52) Magical solstice, You dirty hippies. lol. Much love Fiance.. Can we just say that measure 110 is working? Didn't you see those tiny villages LOL? It's working to put money in their pockets.
- (00:30:55) On recriminalization, i love how the blame shifts but the story stays the same. It's almost like they don't want to solve the underlying problems bc they love using them to justify their own regressive agendas however is convenient at any given moment
- (00:32:55) Fandom Expo is coming up and ya Boy Rudes is hosting a panel on building the HorrOregonian 2024! Whatchoo got??
- (00:42:48) MONEY!! I would look in the lake.. bybee lakes.. look more money for prisons. Bhaha
- (00:43:08) Where is my next day service delivery? Huh? I want it now
- (00:43:16) Then give us back our drug money!!
- (00:47:19) I'll take a weed tax rebate
- (00:55:30) Morgan when you running? I'm trying to be on your campaign team
- (01:00:33) You'd be impactful 😬🫶🏽 I'll be in wings waiting 😅
- (01:01:47) Telling Robert Palmer from Peter Gabriel
- (01:01:59) Speaking of teams though, when ya gonna have news about adding volunteers?
- (01:03:09) Sennabella is her name.💙
- (01:03:19) Oops! Slept in this morning and missed most of the show, but I want to wish my Thursday Friends the happiest holiday season ever. Thanks for making it a little easier to be a morning person. ❤️
- (01:03:48) I’m a local one person business owner. My truck was stolen from my driveway in broad daylight, loaded with tools. It almost bankrupted me. The police tell me to look for it myself. The city spends its time reminding us to pay art taxes and building new bike lanes. What happened to this town? For decades it was known as a premiere west coast city and no one sees it that way anymore.
- (01:11:29) When you apply for Social security and they tell you. You have too much resources because you have a Life Insurance Policy. So shit needs to change. Morgan, I believe it is the idea. Of a person with your mentality in our leadership roles. And you're trusted. Thank you for always bringing a pocket full of truth to us in the morning.💙
- (01:12:09) Bike lanes? Try the police budget for putting unhoused people's belongings in the trash over and over again, or abusing protesters, or protecting a Starbucks. Meanwhile they have only ever RARELY been good for anything for everyday people in these theft situations than file paperwork for insurance and shrug.
- (01:22:33) The cop that was fired was probably the cop that punched the kid. bastards smh
- Morgan in politics- you are too good a person to enter the arena of death, I wouldn't wish that on you, but you are damn good speaking truth to power.
- And f*** that JUDGE!!! And Renee
- I have to go to work on my day off. But it's good because I got NWMF.
- All of this is why we know you would be incredible but I'll leave you be. I get it 🖤
Don’t let the individuals distract you from the systems
Poverty is a policy choice
People Over Profits
Power to the People
None of us are free until we are all free
Poverty is a policy choice
People Over Profits
Power to the People
None of us are free until we are all free