News With My Fiancé - Thursday, February 15th 2024
7:30am, 2-15-2024

<< News With My Fiancé
Intro music and Podcast edited by Kyle Gilmer of Residual Audio
Host Check In
Intro music and Podcast edited by Kyle Gilmer of Residual Audio
Host Check In
- Kevin Dahlgren is back- this time he’s doing d-grade horror?
- (00:39:15) Except there really is nothing to be scared of IS there Rene? Oh except BLACK WOMEN
- (01:06:43) Bottle Drop program in need of re-examination?
Playlist: List the songs played on today’s show
- Money Trees - Jayrock feat. Kendrick Lamar
- (00:01:52) 100% have started singing "tell me what it's all aboooouuuutttt" before. But this morning I restrained myself
- (00:08:21) Love this i ncredible DJ nerdery, get you a partner who knows how many bars off you are
- (00:08:36) O m g fetnal addicted pigeons. This is definitely renee's fault f*** him.
- (00:08:46) Also grand rising y'll magical Fiancé's. The rainbow ride on mushrooms..
- (00:12:08) Lol, get that Measure 101 money for the Birds the deserve to have a sober life .
- (00:32:04) Speaking of shoplifting, last weekend Donald Trump said he personally witnessed a "migrant" stealing a refrigerator.
- (00:35:58) who? What? Where? When? Why? How? Did we as a society forget to ask these basic grade school questions
- (00:36:11) Fiance i'm super clarifying you said A refrigerator refrigerator.
- (00:36:47) Love that Jacks reference fam!! 🦅. If you know you know. ❤️Blake
- (00:36:55) You sure it wasn't a turtle carrying his house on his back? Cracked out on the free method foil.
- (00:37:08) popped in a little late and yall already spittin. love yall -los
- (01:00:50) amount of people who are comparing this to the murder a few years ago on trimet is wild and a scary instance of the internet just running with no knowledge where they're going
- (01:15:57) Addiction is a health care issue! We need to treat addiction with support and safety.
- (01:16:41) don't see how it's hard to understand all these things like crime and drug use is directly connected to people's material reality. do ppl thing they just do those things for fun ?
- (01:16:54) pocket watchin the poor is so crazy 😂
- Oooh.. the PP!! Pucking
- Fiancé, no problem is a dumb problem. You just have to make the problem solver go away.
- Bellies say hello fam, 🎶 She said she's a little concerned about the pigeons. Not getting enough to eat, while on their new drugs she also loves JACKs
- Dead, just dead.. no on , no one wants to taste u Renee in this food~less foodE town Actually fix something you twit.
- Ummma..
- Coming this spring new to trimet AKkky's on every bus..
- Here comes your armed militarized estate welcome renee and his cop loving cope being Capital BITHCH ass
- Renne= BAD DATE!!!!! with A std.= stop the dream..
- He's a cop and clan.. same hand!
- Wait
- The she is a woman (?) Of color?? Ahhhh fuck.
- Oooo the spirit knows.
- Dam y'll. The spirt
- What a blatant war on poverty!!!
- R we f***ing being punked???
- Only issue with the bottle deposit thing for me is that it's putting a cost on citizens to supplement what should essentially be the duty of the city/state/federal government to provide aid to the less fortunate
- Drug decriminalization works in other places because of free health care
- Free addition services
- Addiction
- ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️caning as a kid 30 years ago ,in the same place the un housed have been forced to live river gate. Must be the money spot where "can" we "can"... f*** them.. Bring it back to policies, Policies to push the publicly poor out of the public.
- But what if I was paying my bills with my can money
- Is better yet buying my house off aluminum snitcher steel
- Thinking about this in the context of SB 1553-1—like we would rather criminalize, fine, incarcerate than invest in the services people actually need.
- Sadly nearly nothing has changed since MLK's Poor People's Campaign. In fact everything is worse!
Don’t let the individuals distract you from the systems
Poverty is a policy choice
People Over Profits
Power to the People
None of us are free until we are all free
Poverty is a policy choice
People Over Profits
Power to the People
None of us are free until we are all free