News With My Fiancé - Thursday, February 29th 2024
7:30am, 2-29-2024

<< News With My Fiancé
Intro music and Podcast edited by Kyle Gilmer of Residual Audio
Intro music and Podcast edited by Kyle Gilmer of Residual Audio
- What do we want? WASTE! When do we want it? NOW!
- Urban Alchemy continues to cause harm to houseless folks, and has now been charged with trafficking meth and houseless women.
Playlist: List the songs played on today’s show
- Misery Business- Paramore
- The Egyptian Way - Stro Elliot
- MEDIOCRE MORNING ... but now that you two are here ... ❤️
- Who missed Morgan more? Us or Ambush?
- I loved the bts for News With My Fiancé last week, via Instagram. Shout to Ambush for holding it down. Welcome back Morgan. I've missed you both so much. ❤️-Malcolm
- Wonderfully rising Fiance. It's wonderful to hear "a broad's" voice. Welcome home. I just wanna know about the food!!! Thankful for thriving Thursdays.!!
- Aaaahhhhaaaooo, amazing I am soo glad you had that experience!!!!
- Sennabella.. and I am using the name portland.. to you all, I am linda senn.♥️
- Missed you morgan! Ambush held it down. Xoxo. Crystal
- It's a hole exter magical thursday day. 💙portland
- I want to blame my boss for me doing a terrible job at work
- That part, Mr Byron is old politics and his hands have tons of blood stains. ~♥️portland
- 🔥💙
- Good morning Dunderhead fam! Enjoy your extra day of historical blackness! -XOXO William "Rudo" Marshall
- hey guys. It's me, Nancy Pelosi, or maybe some random democrat you've never heard of in a state you don't vote in. I'm in a race to the bottom and I need YOUR money to do it!
- I want to marry the fiancé who just sent that text. If only their name wasn't nancy pelosi. Genius.
- Happy Leap Day Birthday to Super black horror brother KEN FOREE!!
- They are Israel! What you accuse someone else doing is an omission of guilt!!!!
- WTF, I am so glad I don't have social media.. the hole ass f***. Something like the trump shoes. Normalizing and making money off of fascism. And the unforgivable bath time the f***
- This f***ing 90day Feminal reset for downtown!! where are all the people.??
- 💙p~town..
- Ohhhh I missed your spice Morgan. 🌶️ Best part of my Thursday morning routine 🫶🏽😅 welcome back Sis.
- Bro, And some cologne
- Nooo , nooooo.. bro you couldn't?? Ps. Turn off f***ing fox
- No, I don't want to talk about urban alchemy I'd rather burn them down and clean my f***ing spiritual energy. ~P♡town..
- Morgan also these Concentration camps Air quotes sanction camp areas. Serve as a meter for also Can we sell this property? What does the EPA say about it? Do they die when we put them here. ♥️
- Wtf, pod... Did they buy them from snitcher
- Could give them one of the owned properties by the f***ing stater county
- Absolutely, don't! do! measure 110, now off to the dentist look what y'll did.. 💙🤣🙃.. Thriving day day!! Exter day. Make some magic. 💙 ptown.
Don’t let the individuals distract you from the systems
Poverty is a policy choice
People Over Profits
Power to the People
None of us are free until we are all free
Poverty is a policy choice
People Over Profits
Power to the People
None of us are free until we are all free