News With My Fiancé - Thursday, April 18th 2024
Intro music and Podcast edited by Kyle Gilmer of Residual Audio
- Trump is long covid.
(50:18) Mayor (May-all ) Our Nightmares Come True
- (30:19) The price of yesterday's protests are not today’s prices!!
Do It - Tuxedo
You Don’t Eat - Jadakiss
R.I.C.O. - Meek Mill feat Drake
Starboy - Weeknd, Daft Punk
(05:07) HI!
(08:36) Good morning. New hot internet quiz idea: who said it, Rene Gonzales or Lex Luthor?
(09:11) It's a beautiful morning fiancés! The dumpster fire who never sleeps fell asleep in court. Crystal
(14:46) Most boring trial. There will definitely be no man's laughter charges
(15:15) Wonderful rising fiance's. Front page news celebrating sennabella 2 birthday!¡ Morgan, not the Coke sniffles. It's the end of life "stage" sniffles because of syphilis. ♡p~town.. Ps. F*** Renee.
(17:06) Gooood Morning Fiances! My Fiancé Harper is listening in this morning! So be NICE to yer boy Rudes!! XOXO- RUDO the BEST
(19:44) Good morning Ambush and Morgan! Harper
(26:15) Crank texter! Crank texter!!
You know it! -Harp
(35:25) Being RELIABLE with the feel good sunshine jams. We all hanging out at the end of fundraiser party, or what?
what's with the fifth?? outside the grab, to Silence the community once again. F*** it, let's take a freeway then.
(41:39) So.... who organized the January 6 protests? Are they liable for the damage and deaths by all protestors there? Marcie
(47:49) anyone else feeling a little "PUNKED", without ~Ashton.
What a power grabbing MMMORE WHORE. Renee, actually if you look around houselessness has less visibility than any time since we started working on, "the problem" of houselessness. Thanks to you'll Hoarding all the tents! can some one please tell him to sit the f*** down. P~town
Renee's new name~ baby babbling trump.. BBT needs a DDT. P~town
Wait, is Renee catfishing??
(01:05:08) I grew up in the most comfortable white middle class environment you can imagine. White privilege was a given. Yet I STILL ended up on the street through circumstances well beyond my control. It can happen to ANYBODY and SHAME on anyone lacking the compassion and empathy to get that. All the more so for elected "officials."
(01:06:00) Kris here. You folks are right on. You make me feel like I'm not alone out here with my ideas.
(01:11:55) The people who say that Rene is a Democrat are my favorites. Like even if your standard for what "left" is is Joe damn Biden, Rene is still to further right
(01:12:11) Mingus is too black for portland's politicians. But he is dirty and he is moving his words ain't he.
(01:20:17) Ambush, you know Mc Paul barman?
(01:20:27) Cheers to the dirt bag
(01:20:34) Next week's news, p~town turns 50. the Queen will be acting out all week.💙✨️🌻🍀. single super ready to mingle!! Just not that cop dancing..P~Town 🌻
I'm gonna be here