News With My Fiancé - Thursday, May 9th 2024
7:30am, 5-9-2024

<< News With My Fiancé
Intro music and Podcast edited by Kyle Gilmer of Residual Audio
Host Check In
Intro music and Podcast edited by Kyle Gilmer of Residual Audio
Host Check In
- Canada Dry- Drake doing the least and expecting the most
- Views Views Views with my Fiancé
- Vivek rhymes with cake had Daughter of the Confederacy, Anne Colture on his show just in time to insult him
- (31:54) Arrested in Marion County, DEA agent says GMTFOHF
- (43:50) Y’all may have missed it, but Portland City Council revealed its band name right before unanimously passing Tevis’ camping ban- Cruel Intentions
- (59:10) Israel said, Cease Fire for What?!?!
- Crazy - The Boys
- Protect My Heart - Kelis
- Day N Nite - Kid Cudi
- (01:23) F politics, I only want rap beef… Jon
- (01:26) King Kendrick
- (01:44) WTF.. I NEVER wanna wake up to that voice again, who the f*** let her in here. Morning Fiance♥️.. P~Town.
- (28:57) The hostages i'm sorry they went with all the missing children stole in at the border.
- (27:24) Good morning! I hope Ambush can read this! XOXO Rudo
- (29:43) Ambush I was a zygote when I first heard that ring lol. Song*****
- During a mission my a**.
- Lol... Qualified immunity this guy's trash. It's so hard to win against them in their crap. I did, though. I won that f***ing cops qualified immunity. Might the soul U too rest in power. The hell.
- Why, it's the same thing being said another way.. a true certified circle jerk.. how about to NOT leave our things for a HUMAN RIGHT!! THE PART 9F KEEPING FOLKS IN DOORS BEFORE THEY ARE SENT TO A TENT to be battered by the CITY!!
- I need more coffee!!!!!
- (50:34) Rally today in support of Portland Street Response: 1pm at city hall, wear blue and green
- (58:21) Means test the police. No overtime pay for you to throw people's belongings i n a dumpster until you have demonstrated you've done literally anything to address the underlying problem. 🙄
- (55:04) When I was living on the street in Boston I had a full time job and it still took me several months to save enough money to get a place.
- Renée, evil is offended to be associated with that kind of trash. F*** him. He's found some kind of way to life in the money out of the's despicable. P~Town
- Sorry the end of that last text kinda ran into a voice rant. He has found a way to take that money. ~♡
- Also newsflash first of all RENEE is NOT smart enough to be Evil. little b**** a**..
- Lol, Renee is a simply hater, he don't like BLACK so much he's tactically destroyed what we've asked for as a community to help one another. f*** Renee.
- (57:42) I was wearing red Converse hi tops. They didn't have straps.
- (01:10:58) The problem you don't understand with the living in your car thing is that a car is _property_ that must be protected and a person is a _problem_ that must be kept out of sight. Hope that helps!
- They're talking out the side of their neck
- (01:11:46) Want to add that in Boston, where that person was messaging about, move-in cost is first, last, security, and realtor fee. All of those are a full month's rent. And it's much higher there. People need to have like 10k in hand just to move in.
- Y'all are the best - Sean
- (01:12:09) As someone that works outside food is really expensive if you don't have a kitchen to cook in. In general being poor is expensive. People need to understand
- Oooh, sweet amerikkka, where have you gone? to fash land..
- (01:11:28) Their may not be American people if Trump gets in office
- (01:11:15) As Bernie Sanders said " do you know how many students are protesting at universities in Gaza? NONE all 12 universities have been destroyed.
- ♥️♥️♥️✨️♥️♥️
- Get it morg reggae Horns
- Thank you fiancès. I had no input that enjoyed the pep talk
Don’t let the individuals distract you from the systems
Poverty is a policy choice
People Over Profits
Power to the People
None of us are free until we are all free