News With My Fiancé - Thursday, May 24th 2024
7:30am, 5-23-2024

<< News With My Fiancé
Intro music and Podcast edited by Kyle Gilmer of Residual Audio
Host Check In
Intro music and Podcast edited by Kyle Gilmer of Residual Audio
Host Check In
(17:14) Diddy’s NON -Apology
- (39:33) Our Election Results
- (49:51) Atlanta Police Officer kills his Lyft Driver without Provocation
- Put Me On Something - P-Lo ft E-40
- In Bloom - Nirvana
- Ain’t That Easy - D’Angelo
- Maluco - Sango
- (01:35) ¡Buenos ding dong diddly días!
- (01:55) Fiancé. their u'll are. Fabulous I hear the magical voices!!! Back,back..
- (03:04) Thursday? Here? Existing? Unclear. But happy to hear you. 😄
- (05:17) Nah, it's the moon tonight, just all together tired.
- (06:19) Goooood morning Famancès! Ya boyee Rudo got himself a job w Portland Parks n Rec! Working the native plants hub y'all! XOXO Rudo ?? Oh yeah! And that election bummed meyowt.
- (10:24) And then, after all that Menopause.!! I can't wait. To see what the universe really has cooked up, all this trash is diablo playing in our face.
- The hole ass f*** Kyle. Fucking puke actually loved that photo so I'll stay
- Anger Man' agement mansplaining classes
- Is it just the supper rich have 0 filters!!
- Period !!
- Damn that very lyric sing along and doesn't even know what it means.
- (47:28) Renee was at Vasquez election night party, along with Jessie Burke and vadim. Just letting us know what kinda shite they're into- Hating poor people
- (48:04) BINGO. aipac at it again.
- (48:09) Says a lot about Portland that that news story was out there before the election and she got that much of the vote.
- Sooo f*** hate back at them b****
- No, Fiancée's dead people don't care if they're killed. They're dead.. Also dead people don't care when taken their tents.
- WHT the f***, and wtf
- (55:44) Good morning fiancees!
- For those tuning in right now... hahahahaaaa!!! XOXO Rockumented Rudo
- Can someone just say beetlejuice three times already!!!! employment them to "shitty hall" and send them on their way the city f****** roll.
- Jessie burke f*** that c***
- Uncommitted in our house
- I love u all soo back
- Hell yes. Uncommitted here.
- (01:09:12) Was the driver also dressed as a clown. The hell. I want out of this shity ass Ultraverse
- I'm going back in time, apologies.
- You guys made me laugh this morning thank you.
- Had to share this business.
- (01:14:51) Bonicci is the biggest Zionist out there. F*** this city!
- (01:17:19) I've written her many times and get the Israel is our biggest ally and we need to support them letter back from her every time.
- (01:18:21) Y'all are the best! Missed you last week. F Israel and Joe Byron! And all those that had their seats bought by AIPAC!
- (01:18:35) Oooooooooo biggest ally in what!!!!!!!!!
- Genocide!!!
- Now, about our wins, we know whom the f*** they are and how they will Perpetuate their policies when they are put in to their positions.sweewe know our work, Like when schools back in session, we got the syllabus. 4 those mean b*****s. say that in your valley girl voice.
- Don’t let the individuals distract you from the systems
- Poverty is a policy choice
- People Over Profits
- Power to the People
- None of us are free until we are all free