News With My Fiancé - Thursday, June 27th 2024
7:30am, 6-27-2024

<< News With My Fiancé
Intro music and Podcast edited by Kyle Gilmer of Residual Audio
Host Check In
Intro music and Podcast edited by Kyle Gilmer of Residual Audio
Host Check In
Top of the Hour
- MIAlex Jones
- M.I.A. Compares Alex Jones’ Sandy Hook Lies to Celebrity Vaccination PSAs In Controversial Tweet
"If Alex Jones pays for lying shouldn't every celebrity pushing vaccines pay too?"
- OHMNI Website
- NW Natural calling around begging for dollars
- MJ’s Bday Party @ No Requests
- (01:00:05) Supreme Court Ruling Weakens Federal Bribery Statute
- (38:50) Progressive Groups Decry Bowman’s Defeat, Blame Pro-Israel Lobbying Influence
- Spit It Out- Kaytranada ft Rochelle Jordan
- Kamaal Coltrane - Stro Elliot
- Everywhere - Fleetwood Mac
- (00:53) Good morning Good morning Good morning. I know it's last week But I watch that pop out 5 times this past weekend, damn
- (02:20) Good morning!! We missed you last week, out visiting the east coast heat dome 🥵 happy belated birthday to Morgan! Hope there's been more ice cream cake. Ready to talk about some awful Wheeler policies
- (05:59) It is two names Baskin Robins
- Providence and southern CT mostly! Oh, the humidity 😭
- (16:59) I used to work at Quiznos, in high school, and due to the S would also say Subways instead of Subway. Also good morning Morgan and Ambush!
- (17:39) Morning love are some places the the ice-cream cake should be better. last week of June I do hope your birth month was Spectacula happy thursday fiance's. 💚 p~town.
- (16:40) Ahoy hoy Famiances... what's new?! Very-lefty Rudo in a tinfoil M.I.A. beret
- (22:05) I didn't spend not one dime on the vaccine, but some how I'm the sheepole not the people dropping 700 on a dew rag or 400 on gold sneakers. Please explain
- (24:14) What are you talking about,there's plenty of time to get too loose before 9 at the white eagle! It's a vibe!
- (25:56) But I NEED to understand
- (25:44) Plus a word that always needs an (S)taco..💚
- Jesus Fing Christ
- (25:23) Lol, Sounds like that's more like a vampire slaying helmet..
- (29:00) I'm taking Morg down in the White Eagle basement to hunt for g-g-ghosts!
- Sennabella learned how to pull dandelions this weekend. Ps I here the Roots are amazing for migraines.So the next time you get a migraine go out and pull out a dandelion and eat the root or something.
- Lost ya.. just air over here
- (38:14) About centrism: I have traveled the highways, biways, and backroads of all of the 48 contiguous states. All I ever saw in the middle of the road was dead animals and squashed beer cans.
- (38:32) AIPAC spent over 14.5 million to defeat Bowman. And spent damn near 2 million to defeat jayapal here. Something must be done about campaign financing.
- (43:58) On congressional Primary not even in general elections
- 25 F ing million on a damn primary!
- (46:59) It would be kind of nice if the centrist dems brought the same energy to beating republicans that they bring to smashing left wing candidates
- (51:03) A friend who canvassed for Susheela Jayapal said that active and informed Democrats whom she spoke to had no idea of the dark money. This illustrates mainstream media's complicity/support for AIPAC.
- (57:45) Remember the All lives matter folks, It's funny how we can't get them to understand that people's lives matter, Oh and the way Palestinians are people.
- (59:19) It's always centering white supremacy
- We don't like them…
- Im sure This decision has nothing to do with the know bribes that have corrupted this Court.
- (01:05:19) Sleazy bastards
- (01:14:05) Ok, so Now that we're taking bribes. another word that needs an (s) on it. However now can we all take them(?) asking for a friend.
- (01:11:33) The supreme court is exactly the reason we all hold our nose and vote for Biden.
- Even if we hate it
- (01:13:14) The oligarchy has secured their power (if it wasn't already). Will electing joe Byron do anything to change this?
- (01:14:46) It's all a wash now..
- (01:13:37) So if I buy illegal drugs today and don't pay the dealer until next week, does that mean I didn't break the law?
- Lol.. U witch!!
- Unfortunately he doesn't change the court, but he prevents it from becoming 7-2
- Bahbha ahababababab
- (01:19:01) Love U all so much. See u sunday.. Byeeeeee..
- (01:18:18) Yeah cops are just going to nicely ask unhoused people if they want to be arrested for not having a house
- (01:18:44) The police union is not a labor union!! They are not laborers, they're b******. We can hate em.
- (01:20:00) Ambush & Rudo's Warlocks with MORElocks!
Don’t let the individuals distract you from the systems
Poverty is a policy choice
People Over Profits
Power to the People
None of us are free until we are all free
Poverty is a policy choice
People Over Profits
Power to the People
None of us are free until we are all free