Internal Chatter - Oregon Food Bank President Susannah Morgan - 07-18-2024

The accomplished Susannah Morgan, President of the Oregon Food Bank, stops by the chat to discuss food, hunger, and why having things to do makes all good ideas possible. Along the way, Melissa and Staci find out about lots of other tasty morsels like: how food insecurity affects mental health (yes, we said that in the right order) or when would you call 211, what is WIC, how does one cook a rutabaga, and why hunger has a lot more to do with macroeconomic forces, than just matching hungry people up with excess food. We talk about the many facets of food banking as well as a smorgasbord of other topics that feed into food banking like: universal school meals, programs to feed hungry kids in the summer, and why the data on those seeking food fall into the bimodal distribution in “the tale of two tails”. She also discusses why she thinks the Oregon Food Bank is seeing a lot more chronic hunger than episodic hunger, especially post-pandemic and what you can do to help. Please join us as we are inspired by her energetic style and infectious laughter along the way. Welcome Susannah!