7-25-24: Hawkworship & Other Heds
12:00am, 7-25-2024

<< Space Does Not Care: Sonic Snax and Attax for PDX
- 12:01am Angel Voices/Nuclear Drive by Hawkwind on Church of Hawkwind (Atomhenge)
- 12:06am Wings of Icarus by Incubus Lovechild on Deadworld (SkidMark Multimedia)
- 12:11am Upside Jam/Aero Pharaohs by Spacehead on In Space We Trust: '95 - '98 (Dead Earnest)
- 12:21am Star Fall by Krel on Ad Astra (Dead Earnest)
- 12:25am Miles Away by Litmus on Aurora (Rise Above)
- 12:31am talk by talk on talk (talk)
- 12:35am Time Before This by Astralasia on Away With the Fairies (Talking Elephant)
- 12:41am Drone of the Universe (thanks, Mika!) by Astral Magic on Experiences in Hyperspace (Astral Magic Music)
- 12:47am Hyades Noir (thanks, Paul!) by Church of Hed on The Fifth Hour (Eternity's Jest)
- 12:53am Inner Vastness of Space by Melting Euphoria on Through the Strands of Time (Stratospheric)
- 12:57am Don't Look at the Sun or You'll Go Blind by Pond on Psychedelic Mango (Badminton Bandit)
- 1:00am talk by talk on talk (talk)
- 1:04am Dark Runs Deeper by Pressurehed on Infadrone (Cleopatra)
- 1:10am Song of the Delatron by Melodic Energy Commission on Moon Phase Compendium (Vapor)
- 1:17am Hit in the Head by ST 37 on Down On Us (Emperor Jones)
- 1:22am Looking for My Head by F/i on The Past Darkly/The Future Lightly (Lexicon Devil)
- 1:27am Big Furry Head by Amon Tobin on Foley Room (Ninja Tune)
- 1:30am talk by talk on talk (talk)
- 1:32am Quantas by Electric Orange on Rechnung Offen (CD-R)
- 1:39am Legavaan Satellite (flawed - will redeem next week) by The Heads on Everybody Knows We Got Nowhere (Sweet Nothing)
- 1:45am Oceans of Sound by White Hills on Heads on Fire (Rocket Recordings)
- 1:50am talk by talk on talk (talk)
- 1:53am Himmelhilf by Camera on Emotional Detox (Bureau B)