News With My Fiancé - Thursday, October 10th 2024
7:30am, 10-10-2024

<< News With My Fiancé
Intro music and Podcast edited by Kyle Gilmer of Residual Audio
Host Check In
Intro music and Podcast edited by Kyle Gilmer of Residual Audio
Host Check In
- MJ is out with a cold type thing?
- Inmates in Florida
- Killjoy Am
- Piece by Piece
- Killer Mike
- Brian Kemp
- Greenwood Bank
- Debate Questions
- She Loves Everybody - Chester French
- If I Ever Feel Better - Phoenix
- ALL CAPS - Abstract Orchestra
- The Egyptian Way - Stro Elliot
- Remind Me - Royksopp
- Them Changes - Thundercat
- Samurai - Lupe Fiasco
- (5:46) Solooooooo ... I have been representing the migraine contingent this week but we are here for you 🎃
- (19:55) I just got the tail end of the killer Mike, didn't know what the reason was for not wanting to go to the show! Do you have a link? I'm so curious.
- (23:21) Hey Ambush. It's Jorah Nones. Sorry I can't listen today but I wanted to say that I have a 2 part question for both Gonzalez and Rubio. 1. What gives you the right? And 2. How dare you? Have a good morning! 😁
- (34:53) I bet her frail privileged a** still has bruises from the handcuffs.
- (38:54) Yay for abolition journeys 🫶🏽🥳
- (39:46) Can't wait for the 20th and some deep Doom appreciation! Did some appreciating last night. Good morning fiance and missing Mocha Jones!!!!!!
- (44:32) It's so complicated when the mechanisms we have for accountability are so limited and violent! We can take some relief (even petty enjoyment) in seeing some accountability, while still being critical of the system
- (48:37) The spirit of Art Bell lives!
- New show: Conspiracies With My Fiancé.
- (1:00:48) I have never been happier to have a second O in my last name
- (1:05:16) The trouble with having human beings for heroes is that they always turn out to be human beings.
- Don’t let the individuals distract you from the systems
- Poverty is a policy choice
- People Over Profits
- Power to the People
- None of us are free until we are all free