Turtles Have Short Legs on XRAY #97 - October Country
3:00pm, 10-15-2024

<< Turtles Have Short Legs
- 3:00pm Trenchcoat by Faten Kanaan on Afterpoem (Fire, 2023)
- 3:02pm Hardly 2 by Hydromedusae on Hydromedusae (Trome, 2023)
- 3:06pm Flavour of Night by Robyn Hitchcock on I Often Dream of Trains (Midnight Music, 1984)
- 3:08pm Frosty Mornings by Dr. Strangely Strange on Kip of the Serenes (Island, 1969)
- 3:12pm October Country by The Smoke on The Smoke (Sidewalk, 1968)
- 3:15pm Bodies by Snakeskin on They Kept Our Photographs (Ruptured/Mais Um, 2024)
- 3:19pm Transformation Ritual by Dustin Wong & Gregory Uhlmann on Water Map (Otherly Love, 2024)
- 3:24pm Dial Tone by Styrofoam Winos on Real Time (Sophomore Lounge, 2024)
- 3:28pm Dial Tone by The Softies on The Bed I Made (Father/Daugher, 2024)
- 3:29pm かなた [Kanata] by Usurabi on Chita (An'archives, 2024)
- 3:34pm Book Stall by MEMORIALS on Memorial Waterslides (Fire, 2024)
- 3:37pm Swarm Dives by Yayoba on A Maze of Glass (Not Not Fun, 2024)
- 3:40pm Lied (2) by Edgar Wappenhalter on IJsschots Veenlaag Mist (Morc, 2024)
- 3:43pm Le Pont by Fiesta En El Vacío on Rosal (Teenage Menopause, 2023)
- 3:46pm Salta yanasita (1977) by Conjunto Selva Alegre de San Martín on Alrededor de la Húmisha: La música de los conjuntos típicos amazónicos de Perú (Buh, 2022)
- 3:49pm Heal Me, O Tenebrae by Hmot on There Will Come Gentle Rain (Warm Winters, 2024)
- 3:51pm Monkshood by Umberto on Black Bile (Thrill Jockey, 2024)
- 3:56pm Elia y Elizabeth by Soy una nube (1973) on La Onda de Elia y Elizabeth (Vampi Soul, 2014)