News With My Fiancé - Thursday, October 17th 2024
7:30am, 10-17-2024

<< News With My Fiancé
Intro music and Podcast edited by Kyle Gilmer of Residual Audio
Warm Up/Check In
Intro music and Podcast edited by Kyle Gilmer of Residual Audio
Warm Up/Check In
- Who is participating in polling?
- Is Trump IVF’s Baby daddy?!
- Fall Fund Drive starts next week
- City Council vs. Errrybody
- Do you f*ck with the war?- Since we are a whole year in, what are the people in your life saying?
- (59:12) PPB wants more officers because…..?
- (28:37) Landlords caught stealing…AGAIN
- (47:02) World’s richest man is spending the kind of money that could end poverty for millions of people, in order to keep his billions in USDs
- Paris, Tokyo - Lupe Fiasco
- Hold On - The Internet
- Batman - Jaden
- Been Caught Stealing - Janes Addiction
- Glow - Kelis feat Raphael Saadiq
- (8:21) GOOD MORNING we did miss you, obvi. And no, I don't have anything else to do. 😂
- (9:25) Goodmorning! What are yall gonna be for Halloween?
- I mean, it's a day of it when MJ in the house.. Wonderful rising Fiance.. Here's some consistency f*** renee and his new ONE thousand police officers in Hood?? ~💚 p Town..
- (11:08) How about that Mayoral debate? My rankings have shifted. 1. Keith Wilson 2. Liv Osthus 3. (Optional) Mingus. Your thoughts?
- city council wants a divorce from the joint office?? who's gonna monitor all the kids???(trnts)
- (Tents)
- Renee's shit show,"to shine up the PALACE" La papa trumpa. LOL 1000 COPS. RENEE would love, love to be trumps approved little shithead minion.
- Haha naw I was saying the don't rank Rene was a lil oopsy but shhhhh don't let em here ya
- It's resting season, I love cooking and baking this time of year l. I think I'll go to "sh*** hall" to get my Seasonings; for my roasting of the Renee Rump!! Hahaha
- I made Fig Jam.
- Ooh, and the NEWS cat Installation. This amazing work of art was erected in the park blocks after the removal of the curiosity cats art Insulation.
- Responsible researchers should be controlling for sampling variables like age ... remember when polls were only by landlines though? Ha. But I don't think we can underestimate the power of right wing organizing at all.
- (26:26) I've always felt that my son being Born into War has indeed shaped is life. My son was born 3 Days before 911.. a lifetime of war the youth have had it.. this Election season ultraverse with the cusp of a Psychopath With the possibility of winning Our highest government? the hell of it. Every One wants off this f****** ride.
- The internet is a MESS. Surfacing all the worst, most useless arguments instead of enabling us to focus on coming together around action
- OmG, Elon musk what a twit!! I think it's why you changed the name to his company to X, So no one could call him a twit because he owns the twitter..
- (27:37) I think it's rooted in racism cause it's the rural white vs the city/New England white as the elite and just ignores all other people that make up the dem party
- Also, it's a Full Moon Tonight. I am grateful for the Moons energy!!! Time to moon bath an get my good witch shit on!!
- Exploitives!*@&#^$^$^#&@
- (40:07) Good morning fiances! FYI, it is one Rudo's birthday next Tuesday so definitely don't mention that on the air or anything. 🎃♥️
- Wait who are they??
- (39:40) State rights is old school terminology, for "we are fascist and want slavery"..
- Awww happy birthday RUDS
- !!!!This!!!! THE HELL PORTLAND?? WTF
- (45:58) Rene Gonzalez gives to the NWMF P2P!
- Morgan Petty: Won't BACK Down
- (1:06:28) Hiiiiii 😍😍😍
- Caro Amico opened on Southwest Barbur Boulevard
- Bahabahabahabahabaha ah
- Elon is a twit
- So is Trump Elon's b**** or is it like elon like the pimp
- The relationship between those 2..
- All y'll Twitters should stop f****** talking on X get off it. Show him where the money is.
- Elon stinky a** musk doesn't even go here.
- (1:06:34) Good morning fiancés. The system is rigged. Two wings of the same bird. I have to say, let's be real, if Kamala loses it's not because of that villain Elon husk, but because she is committing genocide in the current administration.
- Vomit, vomit, vomit! Vomiting!!!
- It's performative. If renee gets in, they will be on the same page.
- Such an evil villain
- Thank you!!
- Disturbing
- Yap!! loves!! F***** there projects!!!
- Byeeeeeeee
- Yall crazy! XOXO
- Bella says this why dog sniff your a**.. they know who to trust. and that's how dogs VOTE!!
- Don’t let the individuals distract you from the systems
- Poverty is a policy choice
- People Over Profits
- Power to the People
- None of us are free until we are all free