News With My Fiancé - Thursday, November 7th 2024
7:30am, 11-7-2024

<< News With My Fiancé
Intro music and Podcast edited by Kyle Gilmer of Residual Audio
Host Check In
Intro music and Podcast edited by Kyle Gilmer of Residual Audio
Host Check In
- Recap of Tuesday nights election coverage
- Local Election Results
- National Election Results
- So We Don’t Forget - Khruangbin
- Mary Always - Khruangbin
- Y'all sound great, And you know it's not how you feel it's how you sound
- Good morning fiancé's. I know we're not good this morning, so let's cut to the chase. Which 3rd party are we forming or getting behind? Because these corporate middle of the road dems that have NO progressive vision can F right off
- Is fantastic rising fiancees, No I can't hear all I hear are the grinding and nashing of the demon's teeth. Loves. P~town
- Goodmorning this is Jorah Nones. I just wanted to say, MOTHERf***FUCKING c***SUCKER PIZZA SHIIIIIIT!!!!
- Yes john!! Let's take 48!!!!
- What Ambush, you didn't like Butch Ware's thirst trap gym videos trying to reach out to Trump voters????
- Greens face planted so hard they couldn't even spoil the election
- US Green Party has been disavowed by the International Green Party. They are nothing more than a subsidiary of the Republic....I mean MAGA Party.
- That's not doomerism Ambush, that's strategy. We've got 25 things on the to do list before we figure out electoral politics for 2 or 4 years from now
- The "real housewives of Trump husbands" were easily able to vote for Trump because a lot of state ballots had separate measures for abortion. So they were able to vote for women's rights in their state and still vote for Trump. Genius move on the states government. Had there been no separation between woman's rights and the Kamala Harris vote, women would have had to think a little bit harder about their daughter's future. -Duane
- Dose anyone else think that as much as it is, what it is. For me, that trifacta was a fix.
- First of all no one's taken my f***fucking joy. I am sad and crying for our mother earth.
- I thinkbthe way this s*** show gets fixed is in INDIGENOUS TREATIES.
- They're just going to raise conservative white daughters to marry rich white men. Proximity to power and orthodoxy are the only safety they choose to believe in.
- How many daughters were placed on a sacrificial altar by parents who were lured by the (false) promise of 99 cent gas?
- Also a federal ban could limit a states ability to ship/receive across state lines the medical devices needed to perform an abortion or the misoprostol/mifepristone. Sooo my question is then how can Oregon or other states make these in state? Is that even possible?
- To all the woman that have been traumatized for all the talking of the unwanted pregnancies from rape. Every woman who is experiencing the trauma of that alone. Now knowing there's a rapist that was and is going to be this country president. The phrase that this is unfathomable cannot be applied here because we've all fathomed it. Ps. i want the hell offfffff this s***y ride.
- He grabbed them by the ..... that's how he got their votes back… Sorry I had to...😂😭😂😭😂
- Harris didn't lose because black people didn't vote for her. She lost because white people chose whiteness. And it will be interesting to see how many of the Latinx get caught up in Trump's ma** deportations.
- That is the Latinx people who voted for Trump
- 92% is impressive, 78% is too low given what was at stake. #police immunity #stopNFrisk #etc It was not all on black folks to save the country but perhaps the importance of saving ourselves should have put that 78% number at 85%, this election cycle. I know it's a controversial take.. 🤷🏾♂️🤷🏾♂️
- People really out here like there are some Jean Valjean rapists out there just doing it for their family? "Need" 😂
- Heya I'm upstairs and Chase isn't answering. Lemme in!! XOXO RUDO
- Choosing whiteness over community. Choosing white supremacy over collective survival. 10000000%
- Sup family !!
- White people think their whiteness is community
- White women with latin men and black men that are not from this country. You better say your goodbye now. Your vote will get them deported.
- White people your cheese done slide off your crackers.. Lol
- Laughter is the best medicine!!
- White people's, your cheese done slide off your
- When I heard the term red mirage at like 4pm I knew it was over
- What the hell happened in Portland? Did Renee Get ran off!!.
- Already looking forward to changing that diaper in 4 years.
- Yeah, what happened to Old White uncle "Tim" he must'a not had a Twitter account
- I needed this today, thank you
- Full contact cataracts on Ren-aye!
- Amen!!!!!!
- See if portland can get rid of its trump we can get rid of the world's trump
- ✨️✨️🌻✨️🤣😅🤣🕸
- Say f***fuck Renee is kind. What he did is he tried to TRUMP us!!
- He got in because he said f***fuck that black woman.
- And tried to destroy Joanna did.
- I literally got into a fight with my mailbox.Because it was so jammed packed with those stupid mailers.
- Thank you portland for knowing your s***
- By Felicia's.
- Let's go p town !!! model city!!!!!
- Or they're just simply not no divergent and don't understand a lot of information coming in all at once .
- Tim Walz was cooked when he went on that debate stage and started agreeing with Vance.
- So what I learned from the numbers is more than 50% of americans are criminals while white, and are raping and are getting away with it. They appreciate their leader and the way this country has always ever run. Hang it up it's a 525 year long s*** show.
- Find the treaties give the land back.Fight to save our natural commodities mother earth
- You said it "YT" the first time "Majority Report" -Caes
- Tariq last check is about to bounce 😭😂😭😭
- Busses full of sad / happy people going somewhere.
- Did you hear about the awful sh*t black women were texted yesterday? Shout out to Loveland foundation for calling attention to it.
- Hands down the Democratic party is the reason Kamala lost
- Anonymous numbers saying they were going to picked up to be taken back to the plantation
- I knew men hated women but I didn't know women hated women that much
- Yeah check it out on ig
- And I say it again for those in the back.Find the treaties give the land back
- Byeeeee stay dangerous!!
- Thanks for bringing some joy to this day! Appreciate y'all - Hana
- Don’t let the individuals distract you from the systems
- Poverty is a policy choice
- People Over Profits
- Power to the People
- None of us are free until we are all free