NW Book Talk – Emily Cadiz – 11-27-24

In this episode we meet Emily Cadiz, the author of Finnegan the Dragon, a delightful story that’s captured the hearts of children and adults alike.
But Finnegan is on a mission that is beyond entertainment for young readers. Stay tuned to discover how Finnegan helps develop cognitive reading skills for young readers and how these same techniques can be used to stimulate and empower creativity for all ages with special references being helpful for authors.
Emily’s work is educational, imaginative and inspiring, and today, we’ll dive into her journey as a writer, her creative process, and the magical world of Finnegan.
To find out more about Emily Cadiz, visit Patty’s website, NorthwestBookTalk.com and click on Interviews/Emily Cadiz. Here you will find links mentioned in the program as well as more information about Emily with some great Q&A material we didn’t have time to cover in the show.
You are also encouraged to sign up for her bi-weekly newsletter to stay connected with all the latest interviews on KXRW.FM.