News With My Fiancé - Thursday, January 9th 2025
7:30am, 1-9-2025

<< News With My Fiancé
Intro music and Podcast edited by Kyle Gilmer of Residual Audio
Host Check In
Intro music and Podcast edited by Kyle Gilmer of Residual Audio
Host Check In
- (20:14) Rene Gonzales
- City Council Shake up Sameer
- The Zuck swallowing boots
- (37:03) Mayor Keith Wilson Walks Back Return-to-Work Mandate for Portland City Employees
- (55:12) PPS
- Portland Public Schools Approves District wide Cellphone Ban Policy
- Portland Public Schools to Reaffirm Rights of Undocumented Students Amid Policy Update
- (1:11:50) California Wildfires
- Tuxedo - Do It
- Sunlightsquare - Oyelo (Atjazz Love Soul Remix)
- Santigold - L.E.S. Artistes
- (3:12) I felt that "yo" in my bones. It felt like "how are we all still here on this mortal plane" We will just add the fiancée bed-in to the brainstorm list
- (9:03) Good morning! My wife has like 10 pillows on the bed. It's too much man...
- (12:59) Fiance, fantastic rising off of my satin pellow case .
- A aáwwŵwwwwwwwwwwwwww X that no phone not aloud in the bed. PERIOD.
- (17:15) I got a 800 count pima cotton pillow case. Soaks up the drool reaeelly well. Satin and silk ...smears
- Dam, you need to get that stress out.
- (20:18) Ok , I am saying all this talk about bedding, palos, fancy sheets.I'm going back to bed.
- No wayyy haha I forgot about that Bozo real fast.
- Ya'll it's me blella. Mamma sleeps good with her softest blanket in the house and one satin pellow. Hieeee
- F*@uck that dushbag Renée.
- Bahabahabahabahababababababah, still f*** that man so glad to get him out of our city. Now on to the big red dump truck and his twit.
- (28:06) I send Renne a CARD!!! BYEEEEE
- A bella drop.paws on the phone sooo if my service animal needs a phone to call me then what can the school do?? I'll get a dam Dr's note 4 the phones need to be is accessible to my child, especially if you ain't got a luigi as a security guard.
- Omg, them witches!
- (33:36) loves and hugs.
- (36:07) Morgan needs a relaxing vacation in the Gulf of America.
- Good morning fiances, I tuned in late and missed the why, and who and just sending love.
- Wait ! What does our houseless folks have to do with keeping them from getting back to work??
- Oo, so his walk back to was clocked in HOMELESSNESSS??
- (48:28) Hey! Back to life, back to reality, back to the foolish office game!
- f***ing not this dam ride again.
- (53:10) A comrade shared last night with me they been thinking about withholding of information. Take that to systems, companies and how they withhold information as a tool of hierarchies. Keeping you busy commuting, spending your money and time equals limitation, power and control.
- The withholding of information creates the conditions/needs for bosses.
- Firstly f*** them all for putting children into this shit show. God dam f*** ICE. PLEASE NO KIDS IN CAGES WITH OUT THERE phones!!!!
- what part of sanctuary!!!!
- Dam, get our KIDS safe first.
- ❤️❤️❤️❤️💚
- f*** No!!
- That's right take your babies to the f***ing Dr.!! GrrrrrrrrrrRrrrrrr
- PPP don't got a LUIGI
- Hard R!!
- See MJ. Not going to add the extra trauma to my child. Jesue! When will U be BACK TO WORK!!!!!
- Or houseless
- PPP new Policy is !!!! no protection or connection
- I'll do it.I'll f****** do it.I'll join the f***ing school board.
- Our kids are learning to service a Big Red Headed Tyrant.
- Our military is omitted from all climate goals. Until that changes, we're screwed.
- We have this because they didn't ACT.
- Now look where we are trying to find space for the panama canal back in the USA!! Hahahaha
- (1:21:18) Concepts of a plan. Greatest show on the sphere thank you two for such thoughtful commentary I love you two ❤️ Phil
- Oooh f***. So it's like that!!¡!!!!!!! LET IT f***ING BURN!!!¡
- Ooooooooo y'll lets take 48!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- Let the Nerds have a turn. I do mean naura divergence.
- I like canadia, I have some pennies from there
- Ugh no insta..
- Loves byeeeeeeee
- Don’t let the individuals distract you from the systems
- Poverty is a policy choice
- People Over Profits
- Power to the People
- None of us are free until we are all free