People really enjoyed the title of last week's episode; I keep hearing about it. I didn't tell anyone that I have not actually seen The Talented Mr. Ripley nor have I read the original book. This reflects poorly on my standing as a cinema enthusiast as well as my literature degree. The Last Temptation of Christ is another popular dramatic film based on a contemporary novel which I have neither seen nor read. So I'm 0 for 4 on this right now. I HAVE seen Sex, Lies, and Videotape from last year's joke episode title. That was a pretty good one. I could follow the videotape parts and the lying but the rest of the movie kind of lost me. I do actually have the blu-ray of Temptation so there is some sort of effort on my part put in here. I also neglected to backannounce the wonderful Collage "Schwarze Nacht" on-air as I was too excited about Kraftwerk which is only natural. That Collage record is another pretty expensive record I've bought that only has I think 4 songs on it. It wasn't nearly as expensive as Christine Jacquelin from a couple weeks ago though. I could actually be saying all of this stuff on the air as it would probably be even funnier and no one these days besides me and possibly a couple of my friends actually enjoy reading anything in the first place. See you guys next week!!
- 11:00pm Nameless by Giuseppe Musardo (Xayne) on Nameless SID (Musardo)
- 11:03pm Wild in Me by Annabella on Fever (RCA)
- 11:10pm Night Train (Dance Mix) by Visage on Night Train (Dance Mix) 12 (Polydor)
- 11:16pm Effigy (I'm Not An) by Ministry on With Sympathy (Arista)
- 11:20pm Schwarze Nacht by Collage on Mit Den Puppen Tanzen (F-Musik)
- 11:25pm Numbers by Kraftwerk on Computer World (Warner)
- 11:28pm Computer World 2 by Kraftwerk on Computer World (Warner)
- 11:34pm John Wayne by Takenoko on Trans Amor Express (Jupiter)
- 11:38pm By Touching by Zee on Identity (Harvest)
- 11:43pm Because of You (Popstand Remix) by Bill Nelson on 12 (Portrait)
- 11:51pm Universe by Jyl on Jyl (Inteam)
- 11:55pm Back to Eternity by Frank Duval on If I Could Fly Away (TELDEC)