2-20-25: Wintry Motif
12:00am, 2-20-2025

<< Space Does Not Care: Sonic Snax and Attax for PDX
- 12:00am Plainsong by Seefeel on Polyfusion (Too Pure)
- 12:07am Mareld by Les Big Byrd on Diamonds, Rhinestones And Hard Rain (Chimp Limbs)
- 12:17am Snow Covers Everything by Windy and Carl on Songs for the Broken Hearted (Kranky)
- 12:21am Mademoiselle Ogive, Un Tremblement Osseux Dans Le Derriere by Et Sans on Par Noussss Touss Les Trous De Vos Crânes! (Alien8)
- 12:30am talk by talk on talk (talk)
- 12:33am Snow by Chemical Brothers on Further (Parlophone/Freestyle Dust)
- 12:38am Every Iceberg Is Afire by Sky Cries Mary on This Timeless Turning (World Domination)
- 12:42am Orbeat Sur Syncope by Le Gooster on Five Star Galaxy Part 1 (Shadow)
- 12:47am El Glacier-O by Flowchart on Tenjiri (Darla)
- 12:53am First Snowfall by The Cocktails on V/A A John Waters Christmas (New Line)
- 12:56am Neuschnee by Neu! on Neu! 2 (Grönland)
- 1:00am talk by talk on talk (talk)
- 1:03am Cold Smoke by Tangerine Dream on Electronic Meditation (Ohr)
- 1:11am Neuer Hass by Vert:x on The Orange Album (Bandcamp)
- 1:20am I Gave It All Up for You by Les Big Byrd on Eternal Light Brigade (Chimp Limbs)
- 1:25am Snow Song by Neutral Milk Hotel on 1997-8-9 Denver, CO - Seven South (?)
- 1:28am talk by talk on talk (talk)
- 1:30am Ice by Daniel Lanois on Acadie (Warner Brothers)
- 1:35am Skelly's Fireplace by United Bible Studies on The Jonah (Camera Obscura)
- 1:36am Now You Freeze by ST 37 on Vicarious Billygoat (Blue Circle)
- 1:39am Box (excerpt) by The Brain on Access and Amplify (Hypnotic)
- 1:44am Thermal Hysterisis by The Brain on Access and Amplify (Hypnotic)
- 1:47am talk by talk on talk (talk)
- 1:50am Death in the Arctic by United Bible Studies on The Jonah (Camera Obscura)