The First Case of the African Saudade
Listeners: we go back to Africa this week, with a new theme to the show and a bunch of new music (new to you and me, that is...). Some new acquisitions have given me critical mass to showcase an underserved musical market from Africa: songs and artists from former Portuguese colonies Angola and Cabo Verde.
The name of today's show is The First Case of the African Saudade. "Saudade" is a term frequently applied to some music from Brazil, and indeed the shared Portuguese tongue meant that musicians in Angola and Cabo Verde were more influenced by the music of Brazil than their counterparts in other West African nations. Saudade is a word that is notoriously impossible to accurately translate into English. The closest single-word translation is "sadness," but the point of saying "saudade" in Brazil is to suggest a richer emotional experience than pure uncut sadness... saudade also suggests the sweet sensation of pleasant memories, and that edge of sweetness is further communicated with light and sweet musical conventions that add complexity to the sad lyrics of pain and longing.
So some saudade came into the music of Angola and Cabo Verde through influence from the music scene in Brazil. But Angola and Cabo Verde, along with other Portuguese colonies in Africa, did have particular cause for sadness of their own during the period when this music was made: unlike most sub-Saharan countries, who gained freedom from Colonial rule around the early 60s, colonies of Portugal were not granted independence. These twin reasons help to explain why musicians in Angola and Cabo Verde featured more sad song material than their counterparts in neighboring countries.
The first hour today is devoted to Angola, starting with some very rare Angolan singles from the 60s. We move into Cabo Verde at the midway point, with some heavy rotation from the late, great Cesaria Evora... aching, elegant, and rootsy as all get out. We wrap up today's set with a spicy latin and merengue set from the 70s Angola scene.
- 12:02pm Maria Kuringa by N'Gola Melodias on single (Alvorada)
- 12:05pm Za Boba by Os Kiezos on Rebita 74 (Analog Africa)
- 12:09pm Lamento by Os Gingas on single (Alvorada)
- 12:11pm Cubata Dea Rosinha by N'Gola Melodias on single (Alvorada)
- 12:13pm Merengue Despedida by Os Africanos on single (Rebita)
- 12:17pm Cazuze by Os Gingas on single (Alvorada)
- 12:20pm Mariana Ua Nguizengue by Mario Gama on single (Decca)
- 12:22pm Maria Dia Pambala by Sofia Rosa on Folclore de Angola (Roda)
- 12:27pm Lamento by Africa Show on Folclore Angolano Vol 3 (N'Gola)
- 12:30pm Mabele by Oscar Neves on Soul of Angola (Lusafrica)
- 12:33pm Fuma by Dimba Diangola on Angola Soundtrack (Analog Africa)
- 12:37pm N'Gui Soka Nami Ohngo by Antonio Manuel on Folclore Angolano Vol 1 (N'Gola)
- 12:39pm Lale by Antonio Paulino on Rebita 75 (Rebita)
- 12:43pm Mona Ki Ngi Xica by Bonga on Telling Stories to the Sea (Luaka Bop)
- 12:48pm Eme Ngondo Iami by Tanga on single (CDA)
- 12:52pm Kisua Ki Ngui Fua by Artur Nunes on Africa 50 Years of Music (Sterns)
- 12:56pm Chofer de Praca by Luis Visconde on single (CDA)
- 1:03pm Flor Formosa by Travadinha on Feiticeira de Cor Morena (Dargil)
- 1:08pm Estanhadinha by Cesaria Evora on Mar Azul (Lusafrica)
- 1:11pm Maria Graciela by Luis Morais on Boas Festas (Morabeza Records)
- 1:14pm Nho Antone Escaderode by Cesaria Evora on Cafe Atlantico (Music on Vinyl)
- 1:18pm Boas Festas by Luis Morais on Boas Festas (Morabeza Records)
- 1:20pm Angola by Cesaria Evora on single (Lusafrica)
- 1:24pm Luiza by Cesaria Evora on Cafe Atlantico (Music on Vinyl)
- 1:29pm Belga by Cesaria Evora on Mar Azul (Lusafrica)
- 1:34pm O Bernardo by Travadinha on Feiticeira de Cor Morena (Dargil)
- 1:37pm Amor Divinho by Bana & Paulino Vieira on Adventures in Afropea 3 (Luaka Bop)
- 1:40pm Joia by Vieira e seu Conjunto on Vieira e seu Conjunto (Sterns)
- 1:42pm Ilha Virgem by Jovens do Prenda on Angola Soundtrack (Analog Africa)
- 1:46pm Avante Juventude by Os Anjos on Angola Soundtrack 2 (Analog Africa)
- 1:50pm Merengue Rebita by Urbano de Castro on Rebita 74 (Analog Africa)
- 1:53pm N'Hoca by Tony Von on Africa 50 Years of Music (Sterns)
- 1:56pm Snipes by Dicanzas Do Prenda on Angola Soundtrack 2 (Analog Africa)