

Songs From Under The Floorboard

Songs From Under The Floorboard

Hosted by:

    Established in 2012 with the intention of exploring the 'original' generation from the late 70s/early 80s (a time your online DJ spent in London and San Francisco), SFUTF very soon morphed into what it is today, one of the darkwave world's most trusted radio resources for all that's new from quite literally every corner of the globe. Since being joined by co-curator Victor Montes in 2016 (we think?) the show has truly gone global, stretching from its early days as a playlist where the new bands and artists played tag with their ancestors, to what you find today, a collaboration that, between both its online and on-air presence, seeks to fill every dark-hearted curiosity with the content it craves, all of it new and quite often finding its first radio play anywhere in the world on our show. While limited by the one-hour time slot - quite literally we could do a 24-hour show every day, as absurd as that sounds - Victor's and my management of SFUTF's digital content ensures a steady and heady stream of news, relevant memes, and, of course, new music and more new music. Ever-vigilant, between the two of us we're dedicated to leaving no moss-covered stone unturned, the Facebook page alone bringing together thousands of artists and fans from around the world pretty much 24/7. Please join us online at every other Wednesday night from 9-10pm Pacific or take advantage of the archive where you'll find every episode of XRAY-hosted Songs From Under The Floorboard (the first 101 shows were on KZME, a now-defunct station that ceded their 107.1 frequency to XRAY). Have music you think we might be interested in? Don't be shy. You'll find contact info on the FB page or message us via that same source. And know this: in July 2022 SFUTF celebrated its 10th anniversary with a show at the Coffin Club in Portland with Curse Mackey headlining. The plan, so far as we're able? To simply keep going, month after month, year after year. We're dependable that way, and thank you for listening!! Much love from us both...

    THE VAULT /// RECENT BROADCASTS makes recently broadcasted shows available for two weeks after the original show date.

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