The Lord's Prayer
1) Sister Rosetta Tharpe, Strange Things, Singing in my Soul, Savoy
2) Osofo Dadzie and Okai, Ao Awurade, Spiritual Songs Parade Vol One, Ride Away
3) Carolina Kings, Gates of the City, Hold on to His Hand, MRC
4) Western Melodic Singers, Jesus Bodzi Hen, Womma Yensor, Dix
5) Kwame Anokye Toku and his Paradise Gospel Band, Obra Twa Owuo,
Obere Yi Beko Awie, Namco
6) Sweet Talks, Folk Spiritual Medley (excerpt), Spiritual Ghana, Philips
7) Five Blind Boys, In the Hands of the Lord, Best of, MCA
8) Barbecue Bob, When the Saints Go Marching In, Nearer My God to Thee, Roots
9) Martha Carson, Get That Golden Key, Sings, RCA Camden
10) Adonteng Singers of Accra, Agyenkwa No Akyidifo, Adonteng Singers
of Accra, WEO
11) Osofo Dadzie and Okai, Di Nokware Kosi Wuda Mu, Spiritual Songs
Parade Vol One, Ride Away
12) Osofo Dadzie and Okai, Onye Kanea, Spiritual Songs Parade Vol One, Ride Away
13) Super Sweet Talks International, The Lord's Prayer, The Lord's
Prayer, Ofo Bros
14) Rev Frank E Ray, He Done So Much(excerpt), Filled with the Holy Ghost, AIR