What Post-Punk Sounds Like on the Most Beautiful Day of the Year
9:00pm, 7-12-2017
<< Songs From Under The Floorboard
- 9:02pm Roman Candles by Death Bells on tbd (Funeral Party)
- 9:05pm My Rubber Queen by Der Himmer Uber Berlin on Amnesia (Unknown Pleasures)
- 9:09pm Dark Mountain by Silent Runners on The Directory (self )
- 9:12pm Soul in Ethanol by Veil of Light on Front Teeth (Avant!)
- 9:18pm Metal by Fews on single (PIAS)
- 9:20pm Each Time by Cinemascope on Stains of Love (self )
- 9:26pm Perfume by Mary on Shadow of Time EP (self)
- 9:32pm Cult of Culture by Glare on Glare (self )
- 9:35pm Disco by Schrottersburg on Cialo (self)
- 9:39pm Breath by Tanks and Tears on Aware (Swiss Dark Nights)
- 9:44pm Bella Vita by La Peau Et Les Os on Apoptose (self)
- 9:48pm Give Up by Infinite Void on Infinite Void (Poison City)
- 9:52pm Le Phenix by Crooked Bangs on II (self)
- 9:55pm b by A Thousand Hours on Endless Grey (Vesper Records)