City Club of Portland
Hosted by:
The Friday Forum is our weekly lunchtime program, offering networking with civic-minded people who want to learn about the topics that affect Portlanders and Oregonians. Join us at the Sentinel Hotel for lunch, watch live from any mobile device, listen the radio or watch at home on Portland Community Media.
THE VAULT /// RECENT BROADCASTS makes recently broadcasted shows available for two weeks after the original show date.
12:00pm, 5-25-2018
12:00pm, 5-11-2018
12:00pm, 5-4-2018
6:00am, 5-1-2018
12:00pm, 4-27-2018
12:00pm, 4-20-2018
12:00pm, 4-13-2018
12:01pm, 4-12-2018
12:00pm, 4-6-2018
12:00pm, 3-30-2018