

Played   Title Artist Album Label Show  
12:04am   lena  2 belgan  belgain hits  belgain artistic promotions  VCR TV Buy
11:05pm   Guest Mix  Titus 12  Guest Mix  Beats, Bass & Beyond  Beats, Bass & Beyond Buy
8:28pm   joy  Gary  45  Fuego  Blind Dates With Morning Remorse Buy
8:24pm   i don't want to be aolone  Allen Gauff   45  Praisespiration  Blind Dates With Morning Remorse Buy
8:12pm   cry for the newborns  Hellstorm  45  Golden Ruler  Blind Dates With Morning Remorse Buy
8:08pm   Come softly to me  Trash company  45  kinky blu  Blind Dates With Morning Remorse Buy
8:04pm   eagle  Carlos  45  indian  Blind Dates With Morning Remorse Buy
7:52pm   13 Stories High  The Bottomless Pit  Back from the Grave v. 4  Crypt  Savage Beat Buy
7:52pm   Guaraches Con Tacon  The Crazy Birds  The International Vicious Society v4  University of Vice  Savage Beat Buy
7:50pm   Sunshine  Joe and Magnifici  Waking Up Scheherazade Vol.2  Ali Baba and his 40...Records  Savage Beat Buy
7:46pm   Mashed Potato Time  The Sonics  The Savage Young Sonics  Norton  Savage Beat Buy
7:44pm   Take It Easy My Brother Charles  Jorge Ben  Jorge Ben (1969)  Philips  Savage Beat Buy
7:42pm   Payom Moogda  Tamai Dem Sae  Thai Beat A Go-Go  Subliminal Sounds  Savage Beat Buy
7:38pm   PM Pocket Music  Kratae  Thai Beat A Go-go  Subliminal Sounds  Savage Beat Buy
7:36pm   Are you Loving Me More (But Enjoying It Less)  The Electric Prunes  s/t  Reprise  Savage Beat Buy
7:33pm   Johnny On His Strings  Electric Johnny and his Skyrockets  Guitar Mood  bootleg  Savage Beat Buy
7:31pm   Swamp Country  Jimmy Walker  The International Vicious Society v 7  University of Vice  Savage Beat Buy
7:28pm   Times with You  The Celtics  Sixties Rebellion V. 3 (The Auditorium)  Way Back  Savage Beat Buy
7:26pm   El Rock & Roll  Marfil y Morales  The International Vicious Society 3  University of Vice  Savage Beat Buy
7:21pm   Please Tell Me   The Henchmen  Friday At The Hideout  Norton  Savage Beat Buy
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